1. Joyful songs of praise we bring Thee, our Saviour! Of Thy goodness we will sing and Thy favors! Heart and mind in ardor fill With Thy praises, for our hope in Jesus.
2. God, by His own gift of grace did relieve us, And our sinfulness efface which did grieve us. Jesus by His Father’s will, Made atonement, saved from death and torment.
3. Saints and angels here and there sing Thy praises For this newborn sinner’s share in Thy promise; God gives him eternal life! We embrace him and in love enfold him.
4. God’s true children, heaven’s guests, all ye churches; Live henceforth in righteousness, as His purchase! Had not God revealed His love Us to cherish, we in death would perish.
5. May our hearts and souls unite in affection! May our faith be glowing bright, and correction Come unto us from the fount Of the Spirit we from Christ inherit.
6. May each newborn child to Him be devoted; Be each one to Christ the king consecrated! From Him we received the gift. Thanks and praises we return, Lord Jesus!
7. Creatures new, Lord, we are Thine, Thy possession. That men share Thy life divine, was Thy mission. He who bows at Babel’s shrine Homage giving, no new life is living.
8. May the world in us perceive love’s true fervor, With which Jesus’ members cleave to each other. All the brethren who believe, Daily striving, Christlike to be living!