Author: Georges Michel Mangold (1822-1894) Composer: Unknown
1. With all our heart, O Lord, we praise Thee, That Thou upon this earthly sphere Hath chosen Thee a holy people, To honor and exalt Thee here. Unto this holy congregation Full many mortals Thou dost lead, To be their Saviour and their head, And offer sinful men salvation.
2. O God, Thou hast from many nations And many tongues Thy body called, In which resound praise and oblations, And where Thy word is spread abroad. Thou givest through Thy blood, dear Saviour, Unto the pris’ners liberty, Invitest in Thy house to be, All who in faith in Thee find favor.
3. On truth this sacred house is builded. The firm and mighty Word of God; By angels it is ever shielded; His light and spirit is its rod. The members’ life is love in Jesus, Firm faith their only source of strength Through which they conquer all at length; True hope, their comfort, never ceases.
4. In charity the members labor, They go with Jesus hand in hand; In love with brother and with neighbor, As one they all united stand. Remaining ever true and lowly, They strive for peace, though men upbraid; In trials they are undismayed, Devoted to their Saviour wholly.
5. They gladly bear the cross of Jesus, Fear not its burden or distress; Beneath it pride and envy ceases, It leaves no time for idleness. Although at times they feel discouraged, They look upon their pilgrim way To Christ, their Saviour, and their stay, And bear their load, renewed with courage.
6. Thus gladly they pursue their journey, Serene and joyful day by day; They stand in Jesus’ care and keeping, Refreshed by His word on their way. Then flow, ye tears, though oft in sadness, Yet fruits of sweetness shall arise, For out of love’s sweet paradise Flows comfort, causing tears of gladness.